Welcome to Grand Pizza Slice
As and when decided by Grand Pizza Slice certain services may or may not require registration. Registration has its own benefits as explained in the why sign-up page, users may clearly understand that access to services on the Grand Pizza Slice platform is at the discretion of Grand Pizza Slice management.
Grand Pizza Slice, respects, protects & takes steps to protect & safeguard the complete privacy of our customers. We strive to take all care possible of the information that is received from you.
It addresses the privacy extended to the visitors of Grand Pizza Slice & also identifies the type of data & information, we collect from visitors, how we disclose and use it & the steps we take to protect the privacy.
When you setup an account with us, contact us, or participate in activities on our site, we gather personal information from you such as name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, etc. We do not collect personal information from you when you visit our site unless you intend to advertise or use our services or want to know more about them. We may however, track the non-personal information about your visit which may include your domain name, webpage or complete URL from which you entered our sites , your IP address & how much time you spend on our pages etc.
All information shared with Grand Pizza Slice (as part of using any of our services) is available only with Grand Pizza Slice. Grand Pizza Slice does not share individual information of users with the outlets or any other third party except in cases wherein such information sharing becomes necessary to provide a particular service. For example your details are needed to be shared with the outlet to process an order. We use personal information to personalize and customize the service to you. In addition, we use the information to promote services to you and for product improvement purposes. We also use the information to troubleshoot issues; for our safety and to protect us against error, fraud, and crimes; diagnose problems; as advised as time of information collection; and to administer the terms and conditions. We may share this information with other corporate affiliates and entities for the same reasons mentioned above.
You may come across links to other sites as you browse our site. Grand Pizza Slice privacy policies do not apply to those sites. We cannot be held accountable for the reliability of the service and data of the other sites, and thus are not responsible for their privacy policy. We recommend you to read the other sites’ privacy policy.
Cookies are small identifiers that is sent from a web server to web browser and then stored on your computer’s hard drive to identify you and to understand how you arrived at our website. We use both temporary and permanent cookies to maintain your security and improve your experience with our product. Access to requires that cookies are enabled on your browser settings.
Please contact Grand Pizza Slice at this email id – contact@grandpizzaslice.in, if you no longer wish to receive non-essential and marketing material from us.
Grand Pizza Slice uses stringent security guidelines and some of the highest security standards to protect our customers from security issues, and any loss and misuse of their information.
Feel free to contact Grand Pizza Slice at this email id – contact@grandpizzaslice.in for any further questions on our privacy policy..